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THE HORIZON OF COGNITION - Tomáš Pfeiffer, Vladislav Šíma

A way to unify the micro/macro world from the point of view of the Philosophy of Existence

The Horizon of Cognition is a result of transferring Zezulkas’s Philosophy of Existence into a seemingly distant area – physics.
It offers entirely new and unexpected view of a number of phenomena observed in experiments of contemporary physics, and not only physics.
The idea of the Horizon of Cognition touches upon many other fields, but this we will leave to the discretion of the readers themselves.

Printed book 17x24cm (EN+CZ): 129,- CZK (5.2 €)
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Download PDF E-book (EN) : 89,- CZK (3.6 €)
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© Tomáš Pfeiffer. All rights reserved.

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Tomáš Pfeiffer - ? (Question mark)

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Tomáš Pfeiffer - Spacetime + Gravity


Organised by Tomáš Pfeiffer
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Tomáš Pfeiffer - SPACETIME

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Tomáš Pfeiffer - A Life of Přinašeč (the Bringer)

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Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - EXISTENCE - A Philosophy for Life

The Rip Photography  - The Crown of the Forefather Čech
The Rip Photography - The Crown of the Forefather Čech

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Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - L'ÊTRE - philosophie de vie
Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - L'ÊTRE - philosophie de vie

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Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - DAS DASEIN - Lebensphilosophie