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Organised by Tomáš Pfeiffer

Dear readers,
I have organised this collection of Josef Zezulka’s treatises which will, among other issues, clarify the work and philosophy of the biotronicist Josef Zezulka for the first time. I hope, as he did, that Josef Zezulka’s biotronics will become a part of healthcare with the aim to help those in need.

Tomáš Pfeiffer
Josef Zezulka’s disciple and entrusted follower

A6 Hardcover Book: 150,- CZK (6 €)
In den EinkaufswagenIn den Einkaufswagen 
PDF E-book: 115,- CZK (4.6 €)
In den EinkaufswagenIn den Einkaufswagen 

© Tomáš Pfeiffer. All rights reserved.

THE HORIZON OF COGNITION - Tomáš Pfeiffer, Vladislav Šíma
THE HORIZON OF COGNITION - Tomáš Pfeiffer, Vladislav Šíma

A way to unify the micro/macro world from the point of view of the Philosophy of Existence
Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - EKZISTO - filozofio de la vivo
Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - EKZISTO - filozofio de la vivo

Tomáš Pfeiffer - Spacetime + Gravity
Tomáš Pfeiffer - Spacetime + Gravity

Tomáš Pfeiffer - SPACETIME
Tomáš Pfeiffer - SPACETIME

Tomáš Pfeiffer - A Life of Přinašeč (the Bringer)
Tomáš Pfeiffer - A Life of Přinašeč (the Bringer)

Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - L'ÊTRE - philosophie de vie
Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - L'ÊTRE - philosophie de vie

Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - DAS DASEIN - Lebensphilosophie
Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - DAS DASEIN - Lebensphilosophie

Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - EXISTENCE - A Philosophy for Life
Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - EXISTENCE - A Philosophy for Life

Fotografie Rip - Krone des Urvaters Čech
Fotografie Rip - Krone des Urvaters Čech